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Use cases

It's quite common that a value is lazy calculated or an object is initialized asynchronously. In this case, delegate will help you by delegating property access and method calls to a promise's resolved value. For example, an i18n dynamically loads texts according to language, and it provides translation only after texts are loaded.

class I18n {
async init() {
this.load(await import(`./i18n/${language}.json`)) // lazy loads the all texts
return this
const i18n: Promise<I18n> = new I18n().init()
(await i18n).t('some text')

// using delegate
delegate(new I18n().init())
await i18n.$t('some text')

See examples for more detailed usages.


function delegate<T extends Promise<unknown>>(value: T): Delegated<T>


// for all properties in T, create a corresponding $prop property recursively
type Delegated<T> = (Awaited<T> extends Callable
? (...args: Parameters<Awaited<T>>) => ReturnType<Awaited<T>>
: {
readonly [K in keyof Awaited<T> & string as `$${K}`]: Delegated<Awaited<T>[K]>
) & Promise<Awaited<T>>

Delegates method calls and member access to the resolved value, and this is type safe! You can access delegated properties with $key, e.g. (await arr).map() => arr.$map and the delegated object behaves like a normal promise so to retrive the resolved value at any level just use .then() or await

delegate recursively delegate the promise, every $key will return a Proxied object and await delegated.$a.$b is valid

@param value value to delegate to, must be a promise and not be resolved with primitives

@returns the delegated object, it has properties that normal Promises have (then, catch, finally), and delegated properties that starts with $.

It simulates the weavy dot proposal but syntax is a bit different.

Weavy Dot Syntaxdelegate
p~.(...args)p(...args) or p.$call(null, ...args)$name(...args)

Currently only get and apply proxy traps are implemented.

set, deleteProperty, defineProperty, mutates the result so they won't be supported, has, ownKeys, hasOwnProperty and getOwnPropertyDescriptor is not available because the function don't know any information about the resolved value.

It returns a proxy trapping a no-op function to make returned value able to be invoked so these traps will fall into Function.


dynamic import

const fs = import('fs')

await fs.$promises.$writeFile('hello.ts', `export default () => 'hello world!'`)
